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3 Mistakes that hold back your social media growth

Updated: May 21, 2024

There's an art to cracking the ever changing trends of social media and making the same mistakes can cost you in the short term - But there's still time to make a change!

Some people are just really good at it, their personality shines through in every post, image or video they make and the followers lap that up out of the palm of their hands, growing in new followers by the day. But for others, being the introvert (like myself), posting across social media can be a daunting idea that makes you think 'Is this worth it' when you have a really good idea that gains no visibility.

Here, I'm going to go through 3 social media mistakes that you're likely making that's impacting your growth.

Just stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Plain and simple. By taking part in these hashtag weekly trends will not benefit you in the long run.

You're joining a crowd that is fighting to be seen. Flooding into posts from well liked content creators will only help benefit the creator, boosting their visibility to others like you thinking that it's a successful way to get your game seen to new people because 30 other developers have linked their game in the post. Do you think genuine gamers are going to scroll through 30 games?! No!

If you do see an increase in followers, it's like going to be from others like yourself. Game developers lurking on social media, making connection and new friendships. Now, that's not really a bad thing - more connections in your industry - Great! But, these trends will not gain you loyal followers who will buy your game.

The only way you will get genuine followers and engagement is through great content, a unique idea/game and cracking the steam algorithm - You can check out this short video that goes into the detail on the secrets of Steam's Discovery algorithm


2. Not making User Generated Content

UGHHHH no, it's this part - The user generated content part.

If you're an introvert like myself, the thought of being in front of a camera and having to show off your 'personality' is an absolute nightmare. I prefer just communicating through text, or going as far as using emoji's to express myself, but being on camera just gives me the ICK.

Some people just have a natural act for it - so why not reach out to those people to get them to create your content instead? People tend to trust other people to that they can relate a lot more than they trust marketing messages from brands. By generating UGC and displaying it on your social channels, you’ll encourage more people to trust and buy from you. Having others speak about your game and show it off in their own videos can be a great way to get more things to post about. It also acts as a form of social proof for your game.

People tend to trust other people to that they can relate a lot more than they trust marketing messages from brands


3. Not engaging with your following

So this one is pretty straight forward. Social media is a two-way street. You need to engage with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and creating interactive content to foster a sense of community.

People like to be engaged with and a simple reply can start forming new bonds with current and potential followers.

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